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Thanks Jaelash


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Topic: choosing a marriage partner
Posts: 4

Reputation: 0
choosing a marriage partner
on: April 11, 2012, 14:59

Someone asked me this question?

Hello Jaelash, what are the most important factors to consider before choosing a marriage partner?

What do you guys think?

Posts: 4

Reputation: 0
Re: choosing a marriage partner
on: April 11, 2012, 15:01

Dear Edimara ,

Marriage is a serious affair as it involves being one with or spending the rest of your life with someone. Literarily you want to be careful to make sure that regardless of how you feel, you would be making the right choice. Like I said earlier this spans a life time and this union has the potential to make or break you. Your future has to be really important to you.

• You have to make sure that both of you share the same ideals and beliefs. The bible says ‘Can two walk together except they be agreed? If you don’t share the same ideals it will be a very difficult marriage. In fact the marriage has already started failing even before you start.

• Your spouse has to be really GROUNDED in God. I said really grounded because in marriage, challenges are inevitable. Challenges ranging from arguments, divorce, poverty to terminal illness etc. lets let our imaginations run a little wild. Imagine you were involved in an automobile accident and you are unconscious and the doctor’s have done everything within their power to bring you back to life to no avail. Would you rather have a spouse that would just keep on crying until you die or one who is full of faith to call upon God to bring you back? Or worse still you were diagnosed with cancer and you were given 3months to die would you prefer to be with someone you would stand with you in faith believing God for your healing, encouraging you when you are tempted to give up or someone who just stays there and offers emotional support till you die. Look for someone whom you can technically trust with your life.

• You have to love the person and be sexually attracted to the person

• You have to be proud of the person you are planning to get married to. I wouldn’t expect you to be ashamed of the person.

Thanks for contacting Jaelash please feel free to contact us should you need more clarifications and we also encourage you to read our articles, make use of our forum area to either ask questions or help answer questions of your peers. You are also welcome to subscribe to receive updates on new articles.

Thanks once again Jaelash

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